Kamis, 03 September 2015

Bali my "Paradise Island"

Bali is easily Indonesia's most famous island and most popular travel destination. Its name is up there among the World's famous tropical paradise islands, along with Hawaii, Tahiti, and the like.

Yet Bali is different. Sure, it has beautiful, verdant green landscapes topped by towering volcanoes. It also has the sunsets to match. Its resorts are second to none, and in fact have successfully resisted international uniformity in favour of a very distinct Balinese style. Shopping, nightlife, surfing... all there for the taking. However, it also has something you won't find on any of those other island paradises: a unique, fervently traditional culture nurturing some of the finest art forms anywhere in the World that remain very visibly part of everyday life. 
As for the beaches? Well, I must say they are an afterthought! They are there for sure, and they offer great surfing or sunbathing, but for pristine white sands with swaying coconut palms you could actually do better elsewhere.
Wherever you look, you will see intricately carved Hindu shrines and temples. Colorful little offerings are placed everywhere, from street corners to your veranda.

 Somewhere on the island, colorful religious ceremonies take place on any given day of the year, featuring splendid traditional music and dance that would elsewhere only be performed on a stage. 

Talking of "rich culture" is a cliche in most parts of the World, but in Bali, it is the mere truth.

Bali’s own take on ‘chicken rice’, nasi ayam and nasi campur can be found served at many warungs (small eateries) and restaurants throughout the island. The dish is mainly white rice served with many different elements of Balinese delights, from a bit of babi guling or betutu as the main meats, together with mixed vegetables and a dab of the iconic spicy hot sambal matah – sometimes served with a bowl of soup. For those who do not want it too spicy, simply ask for it without the sambal.

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